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This grant provides funding for projects that make a difference in the lives of seniors and their communities.


We are pleased to announce the successful receipt of a $19,500.00 grant to be used for a new lawn mower and money for members to go to the coaching clinic.

On Tuesday, October 11, 2022, The Whitby Lawn Bowling Club hosted a recognition ceremony with the Honorable Minister for Seniors Kamal Khera and MP Ryan Turnbull attending  They were all eager to "give it a try" and interacted with our members for at least an hour out of their busy schedules.  We are pleased to have their important support .

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We received a grant of $2,340.00 which was used to purchase 24 UBI Launchers and for a Coaching Clinic for 3 members.


The Grant received was for $23,800.00.  To be used for Clubhouse eaves troughs/downspouts, greens polisher, utility cart , bowling arm, small coloured/lighter bowls and bowl carrier bags.

We would like to announce that the club received The New Horizon Grant for 2019/2020 as listed above.  Due to the Covid-19 pandemic they have extended the period for spending the grant into 2021.